Friday, November 12, 2010

Can we do Miracles like Jesus did?

Scripture: Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Observation: It is interesting that of all of the miracles Jesus did, they had all been done before. Here we see Jesus calm the sea. Moses also demonstrated authority over the sea. We see Jesus raise the dead, Elijah, Elisha, and others also raised the dead. We saw Jesus heal and cast out demons. Many prophets and his disciples also did these same miracles. Even the resurrection of Jesus is similar to the translation by Enoch and the raising of the dead person who was thrown on the bones of Elisha.

Application: It is clear to anyone who reads the Bible for what it says that Jesus is God, and we are not. However, the miracles Jesus did were by the same power of the Holy Spirit that he gives to us. And as Romans 8:11 tells us, we have that same power that raised Christ from the dead, then why should we not also be able to do the same miracles? The answer is multi-fold, first we should realize that we must hear and do what Jesus told us to do. We each need to read the word, and inventory our selves to see if we are in line with it. Second, we need to live by the spirit and not by the flesh. The power that raised Christ from the dead is in our spirit, not in our flesh. We must learn to deny our flesh and allow our spirit to become dominant. To the degree we can do these things, we should begin to see that power that raised Christ from the dead operate in our lives.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I love you. I thank you for dying so that I could have life. I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit. I thank you for loving me enough to make me a new person in you. I pray that my flesh would be crucified, and that I would feed my spirit daily with your manna from heaven. Help me to keep my focus on you all day, every day. Help me to grow closer to you so that you and I can be one, just as you are one with the father.

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