Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Be careful about condemning the works of God

Scripture: Mark 3:28-30 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

Observation: This is a scripture which has puzzled many Bible readers. Why would you receive eternal condemnation for speaking against the Holy Spirit, but not for speaking against Jesus? To understand this, you must understand who Jesus was on earth. Jesus was fully God, but also fully Man. He stepped down from his throne to come to earth as a baby. That didn't change who he was, but it did change his position. Before Jesus did miracles, he was first baptized with the Holy Spirit (as should we all be). He was, and always will be God, but when he was baptized with the Holy Spirit he was endued with heavenly power on earth from the Holy Spirit. So, Jesus operated in the position of Man... under the covenant of Adam, but he operated in the power of the Holy Ghost while still being fully God. Thus, it was the power of the Holy Ghost who cast out the devils in Mark chapter 3, and so when the Pharisee accused Jesus of casting out devils by Satan, they were calling the spirit by which Jesus did the miracles Satan. The Pharisees called the Holy Spirit Satan. That was the unpardonable sin.

Application: We need to be very careful about condemning the ministry of others. It could be us who is wrong, not them. How many times have you looked back on things you did years earlier and thought about how wrong you were? Is it possible that you could be wrong now when you condemn someone else's ministry. Ultimately people who operate in the occult will be exposed by their fruit. Prayer is a better course of action than condemnation of the ministry of others.

Prayer: Dear Father, Give me a humble heart. Let me think less of myself than others. Help me to always walk in humility. Help me to speak softly but to carry a big stick. You are my power and my authority dear Jesus, let me never forget that. Amen!

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