Friday, March 4, 2011

Are You the Christ?

Scripture: Luke 3:15 - And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not;

Observation: John the Baptist preached a hard word, of repentance from sin and sacrificial giving. His message was much like Christ, but different. We don't have record in the scripture of John doing great miracles like Jesus did, and yet we see that the people questioned whether he was the Christ or not.

Application: There seems to be a similarity between the message of John, and what we preach today... and the contrast to the message of Jesus Christ. Just as they ask of John ... One could ask of us, the Church, whether we are the Christ? Is the Church today the hands and feet of Jesus, or are we as John preparing for the return of Jesus Christ, or both?

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for your word. Thank you that you have given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Thank you for your goodness. Help us to be found faithful to you. Let us be loyal and true to you in all things. Amen

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