Sunday, September 12, 2010

The rain falls on the good and the bad

Scripture: Mat 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Observation: Good things seem to happen to those who are righteous, and those who are unrighteous. Why is that? This is a common question, frequently asked in the midst of tragedy. The answer is in this verse of scripture. The context is Jesus's sermon on the mount which starts out "Blessed are the poor in spirit"... In this sermon, Jesus tells us how we should live while we are are on earth, and at the end he tells us so "that you may be the children of your father in heaven". The goal of our life is to spend eternity with Jesus Christ. It will be more wonderful than we can comprehend, and compared to it, all the suffering this world has to offer is like comparing a drop of water to the ocean. Forever is a very long time. So, the answer is this ... Our home is not here. Our home is eternity. Here on this earth, the rain does fall on both the good and the bad, but this earth is neither our purpose or our home. "For" in this passage of scripture is important. It says, be God's children forever ... because your life on this earth is not what this is all about. Bad things could happen to you here, but remember that is not what we as God's children are all about. Our mission here is to affect eternity.

Application: Understanding our mission should give us a different perspective. In some sense, we should not care about the bad things that happen to us. They hurt. Jesus wept. But ultimately we need to keep our mission as our focus.

Prayer: Dear Father, help us to keep about your business. Help us to keep our eyes on you. Help us to do your work. Help us to affect eternity in Jesus Name.

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