Saturday, September 24, 2011

Imparting Spiritual Gifts

Scripture: Romans 1:11 11For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;

Observation: no matter what your doctrine or position on spiritual gifts, it is clear in this scripture that the Apostle Paul wanted to share his spiritual gifts (charisma in the Greek) with the church in Rome. There have been many different doctrines spawned from this scripture. However, Paul clearly realized that he had something to give them that they needed. Further it is mentioned in the context of a urgent longing to travel to Rome.

Application: The gifts of God are meant to share. We have all been given gifts, and their purpose is to share. As we build each other up, we become more like Jesus. What are your spiritual gifts?

Prayer; Father, help us to be faithful in the sharing of our spiritual gifts. Amen

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