Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Golden Rule

Scripture: Mat 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Observation: Most Americans have heard the Golden Rule many times. Most even know it is from the Bible. What I was struck with when reading this passage was the question "Why". Why should we do to others what we would have them do to us? We see one answer in the verse, because it is the law. Most of us try to drive the speed limit because it is the law, but if there were not police to enforce it I think fewer of us would actually drive the speed limit. So why? A good question to ask when looking at scripture is "what is the therefore there for"? The previous two messages in this tail end of the sermon on the mount are about the goodness of God, and receiving what we ask for. We should do good to others because our God is good, and he loves us. Jesus said, if you love me ... keep my commandments. Truly, if you don't love God, there isn't a good motivation to follow him. But if you do love God, you should love his people. Also, treating others poorly could inhibit our own relationship with God. The apostle John told us that if we don't love our brother, that we are in danger of eternal consequences.

Application: Following the Golden Rule should change our lives. We should become givers, and not takers. We should become lovers and not haters. We should become forgivers and not takers of vengeance. Perhaps no other scripture in the Bible has more practical application than this one.

Prayer: Dearest Jesus. Thank you for giving us your word. Thank you for the thousands who gave their lives to preserve your word for us today. Let us now so live as to honor you. Let us love those who hate us. Let us forgive those who hurt us. Let us give to those in need, and expect nothing in return. In Jesus Name we pray

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