Sunday, April 11, 2010

The greatest commandment?

Scripture: Exd 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Observation: Exodus 20:3 is the first of the ten commandments which God gave Moses on Mount Sinai. However, it was not the commandment chosen by Jesus as the "Greatest Commandment" The Greatest Commandment was to Love the Lord God with all of your heart, and all of your soul. It seems to be the tendency of mankind to latch on to the first of the ten commandments, to have no other gods, and feel that we are right with God. It isn't so. If we say that we know God, and that he is our God, but we don't love him passionately, we have missed it. Big Time missed it.

Application: It isn't enough to be Christian in name only, we need God's love. We will be empty and miserable without it. We MIGHT have a ticket to heaven, but we may have hell on earth without God's love. Do you want God's love? Give and it will be given to you. Give him your love, and you will open your heart to receive his love. He already loves you, but he is a gentleman, he wont force his love on you. He will wait until you open your heart to his.

Prayer: Thank You Jesus for your Love. We know that before the worlds were formed, that you love us. You knew us, you cared for us. Break our hard hearts, and help us to be used by you. Help us to know you m0re intimately. Help us to meet you each day.

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