Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sure Prophesy

Scripture: Daniel Chapter 7

Observation: It has been a while since I have read the prophesy in Daniel 7. I have always been a bit perplexed by prophesy. However, Daniel 7 is one of the clearest and most straightforward prophesies of the Bible. He shows three kingdom, the Lion, the Leopard, and the Bear, and a fourth Kingdom that has world wide dominion and precedes the return of Jesus Christ, Judgement Day, and the Reign of Christ on the Earth. The interpretation of the scripture is given for us in the 2nd part of Daniel 7.

Application: It is amazing that thousand of years earlier, God so clearly showed his prophets what was going to come to pass in the last days. In addition to Daniel, we also have the Apostle John, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and others who were very clear and specific in documenting what God showed them about what was going to come to pass. Many men have been wrong about interpreting these prophesies, but the prophesies themselves have never been wrong!

Prayer: Thank You Jesus for revealing your plans to us. Thank you that you love us so much, that you wanted us to know what was going to happen. In the name of Jesus, we pray understanding over the remnant of the Church of Jesus Christ that they might understand what is going to come and fulfill their part of God's plan for the end times.

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