Saturday, January 2, 2010

God's Love For Us

Scripture: Hbr 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Observation: If you were one of ten children, and your father passed away and left you all of his inheritance, what would you think? You would be awestruck at how much your father loved you. How could he have loved you even more than your siblings or his wife? A great inheritance speaks of a great love, and God has given us the greatest inheritance as believers in Jesus Christ. We are "heirs of salvation", and through Jesus we have billions of angels serving us.

Application: Considering this great love, how should we life? We have received this undeserved inheritance from a father who is still alive? How should we respond to him?

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for what you have given us. Help us to recognize who we are in you! Open the eyes of our understanding that we might be enlightened to the authority you have given us in your inheritance. Help us to love you and walk worthy of the trust you have placed in us.

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